Grasping the Hot Coal
Andalus, New City Road, Glasgow, UK
Advice and Practical Strategies For Guiding Muslim Youth Through Uncertain Times
About this event
*Grasping the Hot Coal*
Advice and Practical Strategies For Guiding Muslim Youth Through Uncertain Times
_The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “A time of patience will come to people in which adhering to one’s religion is like grasping a hot coal.”_
-Why does parenting seem difficult in our age?
-What struggles are our Muslim youth facing?
-What are the common parenting pitfalls?
-How do we guide children through modern day challenges?
-What are some strategies we can start applying today to connect with our children?
Venue: Andalus, New city Road
Date: Sunday 30 July
Time: 6.30 PM
Biography – Shaykh Dr. Walead Mosaad
Shaykh Dr. Walead Mosaad is an internationally recognised scholar in Islamic studies and human development. His academic and traditional training has accorded him the opportunity to work with communities worldwide as a teacher and project driver.
He has completed degrees from Rutgers University and Fath Islamic Seminary in Damascus. He received his PhD from the University of Exeter in Arab and Islamic Studies, and was also classically trained at the Al-Azhar University.
He has been blessed to study with such luminaries as Shaykh Ahmad Taha Rayyan, Shaykh Ali Gomaa, Shaykh Saeed al-Bouti, Shaykh Kurayyim Rajih, Shaykh Bakri al-Tarabishi, Shaykh Mahmoud al-Misri and Shaykh Muhmmad Hydara al-Jilani.
He has also worked for the Tabah Foundation, where he managed educational projects in Belgium, Denmark, and Kenya.
He is currently the Chair and Scholar-in-Residence of Sabeel Community. He has travelled extensively throughout the Muslim world, as well as Europe and the Far East, delivering lectures on various topics, including spirituality, ethics and intercultural peace building.
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Event Calendar
Sunday, July 30, 2023