Behold – The Qur’an – Oldham
The Grand Venue, Anchor business park, Featherstall Road North, Oldham OL9 6AZ, UK
Assalamualykum, we welcome you to this unique event, the first of its kind from Almiftaah Alhamdulillah.
Come and enjoy an evening of beautiful recitations of the Quran which will take you on a visual and audio odessey, taking you deep into the book of Allah and connecting you to the Quran in a way you have always wanted to.
We are bringing amazing Qaris who have studied all over the world including, UK, Egypt, Madina, Gambia and Newyork!
Come to this event with your entire family and feel inspired to connect with the Quran.
There will also be tips given to parents who would like their children to become Hafidh of the Qur’an.
Stalls will also be available, selling hot food, snacks and sweets
Ticket Information
Event Calendar
Friday, June 9, 2023