Sisters’ Circle: Spirtual Investments for the Hereafter
As-Suffa Institute, Birmingham B6 4UX, UK
It is common practise to involve and busy ourselves in investments for worldly gain and growth. However, even more important than this is to invest spiritually, into the bank of the hereafter. Sometimes, these spiritual investments are literal monetary expenditures, other times they are much deeper and intricate.
Did you know that the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) called many actions sadaqah that had no relation with actual currency? Both types of charities are assimilated together and addressed under the same heading because they are performed purely for Allah’s sake, as a source of spiritual investment for the hereafter.
This month we will learn more about the virtues of spending for the sake of Allah and also explore the deeper dimensions and intricacies of sadaqah. These topics will be discussed at length and be beneficial as we may not have necessarily paid too much attention to them previously.
Talk 1: Speaker – Ustaadhah Safiyya
Talk 2: Speaker – Ustaadhah Aminah
Ticket Information
Event Calendar
Sunday, April 28, 2024