Recording of Salaam Ta’aruff
An online workshop to ta’aruf your self & your loved ones
About this event
Salaam Ta’aruf: An Online Workshop
Character development & refinement should be a lifelong pursuit for every Muslimah.
In this Salaam Ta’aruf Workshop , let’s talk about:
1. Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be? How come we forget about Allah’s affirmation for us?
2. Can you confidently introduce yourself? Without your job, marital status?
3. How is your relationship with yourself? Are you surviving or thriving in this unprecedented time?
4. Why do we seek approval & validation from people?
When Allah said in Quran:17:70 “And We have certainly honoured – bestowed dignity on the children of ’Ādam and provided them with rides on the land and in the sea, and provided them with a variety of good things and made them much superior to many of those whom We have created.”
There are times, when ladies come to me and ask
“How do I know what’s my passion?”
“ How do I know what am I suppose to do in life?”
“How to be confident & successful Muslimah?”
And many times ladies asked me “How do I know if he is interested in me?”
As muslimah, I believe with knowledge nothing is unfiguroutable. With Allah’s permission nothing is impossible.
If you are still figuring out more about yourself or if you are having self esteem issues.
Join me as I facilitate you to discover 10 facts about your self:
1. Who are you? (Who do you really want to be?) base on Surah Isra’ & Surah At-Tien
2. What is your strength and what is your weakness?
3. What is your passion in life? Why you do what you are doing in life?
4. What is your main love language and what is your dialect? (How the Wives of Rasulullah saw expressed their love)
5. What is your communication style or skill? (The 4 Khulafa’ Ar-Rasyideen)
6. Who is your super heroine character? Are you an Ultra Independent or Super Clingy person? Who will be a perfect team mate for you?
7. Emotion: Is your anger manageable or unmanageable? Do you’ve any childhood trauma?
8. What’s your apology language?
9. How to create your own love map?
10. How to create your love map for Allah?
Bonus: How to be Unapologetic You inspired from these 2 verses in Quran:
i. Surah Az-Zariyaat:56
ii. Surah At-Tien: 4
iii. Are You inspired by the ladies in Quran & the Prophet’s Wives?
:: The Presenter::
Ustazah Ne’maat Sukor Amien is the co-founder of The Modern Muslimah Project (FB & IG) and shares her insights along with Ustazah Nazeerah Shaik Alwie in the YouTube Channel. She hold a Diploma in Al-Quran Sunnah. She was always among the top 10% & played an active role in leadership and extra-curricular activities.
But as a foreigner learning overseas, she was battling with her self esteem issues, as she don’t look like most of her friend, she doesn’t speak like most of her friend and she even doesn’t believe in what most of her friends believe in love, to cope with the self esteem issues she took as many important roles as she could and she keep attending motivational workshops and seminars.
After accidentally broke her heart, she went on to self development courses focusing more on communication skill and building relationship. Her only idol is Prophet Muhammad saw.
In relationship She’s inspired by John Gray, Drs John Gottman & Dr. Gary Chapman.
With the knowledge she gained, she has successfully repair her self esteem issues and her own personal relationships issues.
For the past 20 years she has been unofficially helping ladies with their self esteem and relationship issues.
Do join her in Salaam Ta’aruf workshop if you are serious to be a more better & more confident muslimah.
Date: Anytime
Tool: YouTube Private Video
Commitment Fee: $39
Ticket Information
Event Calendar
Saturday, September 30, 2023