Well when we want to travel, most of us will to a certain extent research on our travel destination.
We’ll find interesting things to do in that country to plan our road map to maximise our time there.
Our life in this dunya is all about from Allah to Allah.
However why do some of us find it difficult to connect with Allah?
So what is your map in connecting with Allah?
Do you intentionally connect with Allah consciously or randomly follow whatever that’s trending such as solat Subuh macam Juma’at or Khatam Quran in Ramadan.
In Mapping My Love Map with Allah,
we will discuss on these cases.
Case no 1. I am motivated to wear modest clothing and protect my dignity, however It’s difficult for me to be motivated to perform my obligatory (Fardhu) prayers.
Case no 2. I feel that it is challenging for me to read the Quran on my own.
Case no 3. Alhamdulillah I can be consistent with my prayers now, but I can’t handle the pressure from my friends to hangout with boys. I know it’s forbidden but I don’t want to feel like I don’t belong.
Case no 4. Why is it stressful for me to be nice and kind to my parents? I have asked Allah to make me a good daughter but I just don’t know how to show my love or respect my parents?
Case no 5. As a Muslimah, Alhamdulillah I am able to fulfil the obligations such as solat and fasting. But it’s tough for me to give charity or helping out people around me.
Join Ustazah Ne’maat Sukor Amien to rediscover and customise your own love map with Allah.
In this workshop
You will learn or relearn to customise your own love map with Allah.
You’ll create your own accountability plan so you won’t fall the grid anymore.
You’ll rediscover your self and your love languages to reconnect with Allah consistently.
Live on Zoom
Date: 30th August 2024
Day: Friday
Time: 8 pm – 10:30 pm
Recording On YouTube Private Video
Commitment Fee: $27
Share around with your sisters or female friends about this event ya.