Chinese Martial Arts hosted by City Retreat
Church Gate, Leicester LE1 4AL, United Kingdom
In collaboration with Shaolin KungFu
About this event
Day: Sunday
Package: £99.99
Course Duration: 12 weeks
Sessions Timetable:
10am-11am: 4years and over Male session
11am-12pm: 4 years and over Female session
Training Package Includes:
Week 1: Introduction to Exercises, Kicks, Routine, Self Defence
Week 2: Memorsing and Polishing up Exercises, Kicks, Routine, Self Defence techniques
Week 3: Close Combat Techniques
Week 4: Introduction to Kickboxing and safe sparring techniques
Week 5: Pure Boxing and basic sets of punches, 3 combinations of boxing
Week 6: Light Gymnastics and acrobatic movements
Week 7: Fighting and Defending techniques against opponent
Week 8: Knife Defence to prevent street crime
Week 9: Set of Traditional Shaolin set of Punches and Blocking
Week 10: Concept of Safe Stretching and Splits
Week 11: Sparring/Buddy Training for testing defence and overall martial arts confidence
Week 12: Examination and Grading Ceremony.
Basic Requirement to Pass: Ability to safely defend in most (Low Level Scenarios) using safe Shaolin and Kung Fu techniques
Ticket Information
Event Calendar
Sunday, April 14, 2024 - Sunday, June 30, 2024