A course on Roles and Responsibilities of a Trustee – Saturday 16.9.23
Sheffield Grand Mosque, Grimesthorpe Road, Sheffield S4 8DE, United Kingdom
A free workshop to explore Trustee’s legal responsibilities based on Shariah
About this event
Roles and Responsibilities of a Trustee
A free workshop to explore Trustee’s legal responsibilities
The course will enable delegates to learn their role and legal responsibilities as Trustees of a charitable organization including Mosques and Humanitarian Organisations registered with the Charities Commission
Date: Saturday 16 September 2023 Time: 9.30 am to 1.00 pm
Venue: Sheffield Grand Mosque, Grimesthorpe Road,
Sheffield S4 8DE
Learning Outcomes:
• Trustee Role and Responsibilities and Charity Commission Guidelines
• Policies and Procedures and Skills Audit
• Skills needed to run a charitable organisation registered with the Charities Commission
• The Islamic duty of being a Trustee/Chairman/Position of influence
• The concept of Volunteering in Islam
• People Management and Inter-Personal Skills
To register your place please log on to: https://trr160923.eventbrite.co.uk
Places are limited and will be on a first come first serve basis
Who is this course for?
Anyone who is, or is interested in becoming a Trustee of a Charitable organisation and learning to apply the Prophetic model in Leadership
The course will be delivered by Brother Kaushar Tai, Director, Aksaa
Aksaa is a registered and accredited learning Centre for CPD – Continuous Professional Development
An accredited certificate will be issued
“I thoroughly enjoyed this course as it served to focus not only on leadership skills but the principles behind the values, tools and techniques from an Islamic perspective. I thought Kaushar managed to get the balance right and articulated the contents in a pleasant, humble manner. I would highly recommend this course to those who are looking to develop, grow and to contribute towards the wider society where everyone has a positive role to play”
Kind Regards, Farrak Rafiq Project Manager, IBM UK
Assalamu Alaikum Brother,
This is just to say jazzakAllahkhairan. I attended the course today and is one the best thing I have done in a while. I pray that Allah SWT give you the perseverance to continue to do what you do so that others can benefit as I did.
I would really want to attend the personal development course whenever it is available around the northwest. Once again thank you. Wassalam
Bilkisu Hassan Head of Science Manchester Islamic High School
“The Islamic Leadership course that I attended today in Manchester was extremely beneficial for me both in my work life and personal life. The content and presentation during the day were of the highest quality. I enjoyed the interaction between others during the workshops and felt that this is a great way to keep the audience engaged. This format also helps one learn key points much better than other courses where trainers just plough through multiple slides. The speaker shared some wonderful personal experiences which I found touching, and the highlight for me was the beautiful Qiraat that a brother presented during one of the workshops”. Wasalaam, Khalid Khan Software Test Engineer
Asaslaam ulaykum wa rahmatullah
A truly inspiring course, one that is so relevant in today’s British society with young Muslims achieving positions of authority it is essential that they follow the Prophet’s Sunnah and show to others what a true Muslim leader is like. May Allah reward you in this life and the next for your time, effort and kindness.
Shamshad Khan Acting Deputy Head
Alhumdu-lillah, may I take the opportunity to thank you for a great course. It exceeded my expectations and more. I have taken so much from the course and hope to use it in my day to day life. I would also appreciate it if you could inform me of any more future courses that you will hold.
May you also be rewarded for the great work you do in this life and hereafter. Ameen. Jazakhallah
Salma Patel, The Magazine Shop, Lytham, Blackpool
The course delivered by Kaushar Tai was fantastic! Mashallah I was reminded about many things which were beneficial and learnt many new things. This content of this course is something that every Muslim should strive to learn, I still remember the quote, “As Muslims, we are learning to read when we should be reading to learn”. I look forward to future courses.
Mohammed Abdul Rohim, Student, Greater Manchester
Dear Kauthar, Aslamu-alakum I pray you are well inshallah,
Thank you for delivering a very useful and productive session.
The course was predicated upon the highest degrees of etiquette and human dignity, your conduct and teaching strategy showed how much value adhering to the principles laid out by the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who stated “I was sent only to perfect manners” can rapidly excel an organisations excellence and productivity.
The content of the brief course not only satiates ones understanding of managing and leading within an organisational structure, but also helps with the understanding and management of people in daily life, for example the Islamic strategy on anger management predicated by the prophet(peace be upon him) direct advise was demonstrated to be highly productive, the examples the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on raising the children namely the triple seven rules analysis has proven to be revolutionary by modern day psychologists, although his advice is over 1400 years old. I particularly liked how you showed western non-Muslim research to support your arguments, this displays how Islam and the West can comfortably work together to create a harmonious society.
Wishing you well. Humbly. With Duas.
Umer Majid. Lecturer and Islamic finance Strategist
Halal Investments.
Assalamualaikum. Brother Kaushar
Just to say Jazakallah for putting together such a valuable training day. These skills can not only be implemented in the workplace but at home as well.
I would highly recommend this training to community leaders, especially Ulama who are Imams or Madrasa & Maktab Principles and have other teachers working under them. The only downside was lack of time. It needs more than a whole day to cover all the material of the course. Once again Jazakallah. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Maulana Ashfaq Rafiq Patel Imam Central Mosque Blackpool
Peace to you,
I attended this course last Sunday in Manchester and I can say it was well worth it. Professionally, I have attended many leadership/management courses throughout my career working for large organisations in the capacity of a leader/manager. This one is with a difference as it reflects upon the leadership skills of the Prophet (pbuh) and the Islamic value system to provide the basis for the teaching. The one day session is educational, interactive, and enjoyable and can be applied at your work especially if you have people responsibility. Kaushar is a pleasant, humble individual who is providing a great service to the community. You can read the testimonials below. I would recommend it if you could make the time. Regards,
Farrak Rafiq Project Manager
Salaams Brother Kaushar, Pray you are well.
My name is Khadija and I was one of your students on the Islamic Leadership Course last weekend (Sunday 20th May). Jazakallah for everything you taught us on the course I did feedback to my manager at the Bolton Council of Mosques and he would like to meet you to try and arrange different courses within our community in Bolton. Jazakallah
Khadija Patel – Female Development Worker – Bolton Council of Mosques
Aslamulaiykum Warehmatulhi wabarakatuhu Mashallah a fantastic course. Very beneficial to me.
Also one of the most informative courses I have attended. I took away a lot from there. Mashallah recognising the presence state of mind has had a massive affect on myself. The Tilawat was MASHALLAH amazing. Met some inspiring individuals. Mashallah Brother Kausher shared some personal experiences which made the course even better not as formal
Brother Kausher you went out of your way for myself. A massive THANK YOU. Your motivation encouraged me, because of this course, I overcome my fears. I drove on the motorway by myself; trust me a massive achievement for myself and my Husband. Inshallah I will attend the 2 day personal management course. Jazak Allah khair
Nuzhat Mehboob
Chair of Women’s Hope Warrington
Ticket Information
Event Calendar
Saturday, September 16, 2023