1 Hadis 1 Day
In Rabie’ul Awwal let’s understand and internalizing the hadith (sayings) of Prophet s.a.w.
About this event
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahiim. Allahumma Solli ‘Alaa Rasulillah.
Beloved Ladies, Rabiul Awwal; the birth month of our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. is around the corner. Which better month than Rabie’ itself for us to start understanding and internalizing the hadith (sayings) of Prophet s.a.w.?
The Modern Muslimah Project is excited to launch a new series entitled: ‘Unveiling the Treasures of Hadith’. This series differs from our other series, being it will be in video format, and the link to the recording will be in your mailbox every other day of Rabiul Awwal (for the whole month of Rabiul Awwal). And that means you can watch the recording multiple times at your own comfort zone!
Our very own Ustazah Nazeerah will be sharing gems and wisdoms from the compilation 40 Hadith by Imam Nawawi (r.h). 1 video will comprise 1 Hadith, where we will explore the words, deeds, and teachings of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. together with the in-depth explanation, as well as drawing parallel as to how we can translate these lessons into actions.
Now, more than anytime, we are living in a world filled with moral quandaries and dilemmas, going back to the source (hadith), we will definitely be guided and rooted in the evergreen wisdoms shared by Rasulullah s.a.w. albeit them being 1400 years ago.
Ustazah Nazeerah holds an Ijazah for 40 Hadith by Imam Nawawi. She will be selecting 10 Hadith to share in this series, and the topics will range between justice, compassion, honesty, personal character, amongst other topics. These practical guidance will insyaAllah enable participants to navigate the complexities of contemporary life, while upholding an ethical framework, as well as gaining insights into Prophet’s exemplary conduct, paving the way for cultivation of virtuous qualities which are essential for personal and communal well-being.
Let us celebrate Rabiul Awwal differently this year!
Link to videos will be dropped into your mailbox 6pm of the following dates:
Video 1: 17 September 2023
Video 2: 20 September 2023
Video 3: 23 September 2023
Video 4: 26 September 2023
Video 5: 29 September 2023
Video 6: 02 October 2023
Video 7: 05 October 2023
Video 8: 08 October 2023
Video 9: 11 October 2023
Video 10: 14 October 2023
We look forward to having you with us in this celebratory series. Bismillah!
Much love,
Ticket Information
Event Calendar
Saturday, September 16, 2023 - Wednesday, September 27, 2023